Monday, November 17, 2008

First haircut!

Since grandma had been making fun of his hair I decided to take Benny in for his first haircut this weekend. He didn't cry...he just sat there staring ahead. But he ended up with a great little boy cut!

He was very unsure of the electric clipper.
There was a tv at each station with a cartoon on and he just stared at I am glad he doesn't get to watch tv...he was almost in a trance. Although it was a nice distraction from the cut.

Here is a picture from a few weeks ago...he likes pickles he just make such a cute face when eating them!
This weekend Benny and I spent with my mom in Ham Lake. Paul is down to the wire with grad school so we were trying to give him some quiet study time. It is impossible to get anything done with Benny around...espicially studying! He's such a cute distration! On Saturday we went to Costco with my mom...he loved running away from grandma down the aisles..but the second he's see a stranger he would run to grandma and hug her leg. Then we went out to eat where grandma had to learn to eat very fast with Benny around! On Sunday Benny and grandma hung out while I did some cleaning. Grandma bought him a new musical christmas book and a CD full of kid songs that he loves to dance along to!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Long weekend

Benny had a busy weekend we headed up to the cabin Friday night
for girls weekend at the lake. After a short nap on the way up Benny was full of enery and was running all over before bed. He finally went to bed about 10 and had to be convinced to go back to sleep at four am instead of getting up to play. Grandma found him a YouTube video of two little girls singing his favorite song!

Grandma found Auntie Malia's old tent and after figuring out that it was for going "in" not "on" he had a great time!

On Saturday we went into Perham and great-auntie Pam found him some fun toys and gave him a froggy book that has become a new favorite.

On Sunday night he enjoyed showing daddy his new favorite YouTube video. On Monday he woke up and his cold was worse. He ended up staying home from daycare, aside from the runny nose it was nice that my usually active boy would sit still for a few minutes as a time to cuddle. By the end of the day he was back to his usual self and jumping all over the house! Today he still a runny nose but is back at school!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fall 2008

Here's a few pictures of my happy baby...below you can see what happens when you shut off the wheels on the bus...he's learning that he can't always get his way...if only grandma could help with that lesson!

He's happy again!

Benny has loved fall especially the leaves! He's been a big helper raking and then jumping in the leaves...he's even climbed a few trees at Grandpa and Grandma's house. This weekend we are heading up north so the guys can deer hunt and the girls can hang out (plus Benny) and go to craft sales! This is the first year without my we'll have a lot to reminisce about! With the snow maybe Benny can try out his new snowsuit!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is my new slide! Please excuse the mess I made in the background! Sometimes I like to make messes to make people happy that I know how to pick up after myself!

11 and a half hours!

My mommy has been pretty busy since I was born so please excuse her if you missed out on the first 18 months of her blogging about me! Ask her anything about me and she can talk your ear off! Mom has been pretty tired the last few weeks as I have been wanting to wake up in the middle of the night to sing songs, but last night I slept from 7:30 om-7:00 am!!! So this morning everyone was in a good mood! Daddy got home from work after midnight! But we get to play together just the 2 of us for the next 2 nights! Tonight mommy is voting and then visiting her cousin Sara and tomorrow she is going to see Wicked with auntie Malia! With the nice weather Daddy and I can maybe go to the park or play on my new slide!