Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A rare view of a happy Benny in the car. I was so proud of him...we had been in the car for about 4 hours and he was still finding way of entertaining everyone!
I'm not sure what he's doing in this photo...but we are starting potty training in the new year.

Me and Benny, who can now say "mom" on command. Benny can say 10-15 words but only when he wants to...it is very exciting for that he will say mom when I ask him too. Dad has been working hard on getting him to say dad on command. He knows exactly what we are talking about most of the time...he's just too cool to talk back to us.

Benny has been a very busy boy the last few weeks. As you can see in the picture above he went to Macy's 8th floor. My cousin Sara was nice enough to accompany us there and we were so lucky that there were NO lines. We even got to go through Santa's workshop twice! We are loking forward to the holidays and spending time with family! This past weekend Benny had his holiday concert at school. Just like his daddy would do he decided that in front of a large auduience that he was just too cool to sing. Him and about 3 other boys in his class sat in a row on the risers and just looked confused. It was still pretty cute. Then as soon as we got in the truck my little entertainer started dancing!